Looked at from a distance of three years, the empty city could be the result of any number of modern disasters, but it was a plague.
Images from tourist-mecca San Francisco’s suddenly childless playgrounds, vacant transit hubs, and cable carless streets could speak to a nuclear disaster, but instead they are Postcards from the Pandemic. They reflect what so many were not able to see because they were confined to their home, whether in San Francisco or elsewhere.
The book is the product of nearly three years of work: photographing every day in SF during the first 365 days of the pandemic, editing more than 10000 images, following up with the masked strangers, and finally organizing all of it into this book.
A book which anyone who knows San Francisco, or in fact any city or town in the world, will appreciate.
Order book here
Ruminations is a series of images of reflections. Older shop windows, often cluttered, speak to a San Francisco that is rapidly changing, is in fact disappearing. Time, past and present, and even future collide in a mysterious space. And on an occasion, a soul passes through.
The American flag is more than the national symbol of the United States. It is displayed as a patriotic gesture of support for a political dogma, or its opposite. It’s a memorial, and sometimes it’s just a piece of cloth with “baggage.”
World over from Africa to Europe to Asia, often the most energetic and interesting life can be found in the market place.